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"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food"

                                     ~ Hippocrates

Meet Katharine


In her 20s and living in New York City, Katharine struggled with weight, self confidence and everyday health and diet issues. A graduate of the Institute for Integrative Nutrition (accredited by Columbia University), Katharine is a member of the American Association for Drugless Practitioners and holds a Dual B.A. from Syracuse University.


Struggling to be thin, she turned to various weight-loss systems, diets and exercise regimes. Not until she began her training did she realize that weight loss, overall balance and health can be much easier (and less depriving,) when one turns to a nourishing, whole food diet without using starvation, deprivation or will power!


Her customized approach with each client works gradual changes into their daily routines, unraveling connections among lifestyle, behavior, food and emotional stressors. Diets don't work, and no one program is right for everyone! 


She makes it easy to be successful by providing individualized recommendations, recipes and educational tools.


Could one conversation change your life?

Recipes & Tips 

It's easy to tell ourselves to eat well and get healthier...but doing it is another thing! I include recipes and tips for making healthy eating easier...while you're on the go..and according to YOUR daily schedule!

Family & Group Nutrition Counseling


 ~ Diets Don't Work!!


We offer individual and group health counseling programs, corporate wellness programs, lifestyle make over programs and 21-day purifications (gentle detoxes,) -- both in person and on the phone.

Your program is specifically designed for you and your body -- to get you where you want to go based on your habits and lifestyle. You'll receive one-on-one guidance to help you achieve your health and wellness goals on a weekly or bi-weekly. You can also just book one consult to get you back on track.

Each person is different! We don't live to eat -- we eat to live. This is about finding what's right for you and what works for you on a daily basis so we are easily able to fit it into your daily regime.  You do this with my help the whole way! Who knew it could be this easy? 

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